You engage in a good cause, and you know why you do it. But when it comes to tell others what it is exactly that you do, it may happen that you have difficulties in finding words that render the complex picture. Can you relate to this situation? Formulating mission statements is not an easy task, but fundamental to set goals you and others can identify with. And imagine how vital it is for institutions that are active in different fields, and need this clarity when convincing donors to support their projects and activities. In a few sentences, they need to convey the essence of their work in order to capture their attention. And open their pockets. Maybe a video can be a suitable way to perform this function and to make the institution itself stand out? The European Center for Kurdish Studies (EZKS) had this daring idea and reached out to us. Again :-)

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An animated business card

We had a good starting point: we knew the client thanks to previous projects – the four-film seriesOne Constitution for all Syrians” – already presented in several international festivals, and a video about the topic of federalism – and most importantly, they trusted us and shared the “thinking out of the box” logic. Yet, we started the production as usual, with two workshops and identified the key aspects we wanted to highlight. Once we defined the target groups – people working at the Federal Foreign Office, politicians and journalists – we delved into the story to be told. EZKS wanted to present themselves as the right partner in the Kurdish region of Syria, reliable and with well-founded information. On the basis of their expertise and knowledge, politicians can better understand the complex situation and therefore decide how to best invest the money in sustainable projects that foster democracy through grassroots projects. Their moral compass, grounded on professional critical thinking, is simple and clear: human rights are universal and not negotiable, as the call to action at the end states. But how to do it without talking too extensively about the implemented projects and activities, and still transmitting a feeling of security and being motivating?

We appeal to the main reason, we remind why people engage in this field in the first place: to bring human rights into the focus of their actions instead of, as it is too often the case, focusing only on the pure political stability (of a country). To help the people in the country more, instead of coming to terms with autocratic regimes.

… and the style supports the concept

A small spotlight that finds its way out of chaos and darkness. A strong metaphor to represent EZKS work. That´s how the video starts. And it continues with other powerful images, dynamic visuals that flow into each other and tie the different aspects together.

A warm colour palette has been chosen for the illustrations, enriched by delicate textures that convey a positive and human atmosphere. People and symbols intertwine and interact with one another through smooth transitions.

However small triumphs you may have, you know you cannot stop, and you always need to challenge the status quo … the way EZKS follows this “rule” in their work, we do the same in our field. What a wonderful feeling!

Maybe you are also interested in presenting your work and your mission statement with an explainer video? Just drop us a line, we´ll be happy to supporting you!

Hall of fame

We are very proud to have produced this little jewel, and we really hope it will help our client further! Thank you EZKS team, especially to Eva Savelsberg and Siamend Hajo for this new challenging project! And a great applause goes to the fantastic Goldener Westen team:

Toby Mory – Motion Director & Team Lead Motion, Producer
Wibke Ehrmann – Workshops Lead, Concept
Darren Williams (Ministry for English) – Copywriter
Leo Rey & Patrick Wolter – Creative Directors & Senior Motion Designers
Karolin Nusa – Art Director
Dorota Orlof – Illustrator
Lena Zagora & Erik Richert – Motion Designers
Uwe Bossenz – Music & Sound designer
Nikolaus Radeke – Sound Technician
Dulcie Smart – Voice Over Artist (EN)
Francesca La Vigna – Project Manager